Knowledge sharing technical blog by an experienced full stack developer.
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Getting Started | Sharing Knowledge | Saroj Ligal's Technical Journal / Blog
Getting Started !!
In the past, I, Saroj Ligal, had the idea to start a personal blog. This idea isn't new for many people in my generation and later. Blogging evolved to vlogging to the modern age of content creation. Having been part of the generation that saw a revolution happen in the technology space from the age of mechanical typewriters to digital computers with power 100 times greater than the one that took us to the moon at the palm of our hands, I have seen how impactful sharing knowledge across humanity can make an impact and help grow humanity to the next step.
Having had the willingness to be part of this knowledge-sharing experience, I wasn't able to go through with the idea any further. Be it due to a lack of time, priorities of other tasks, lack of resources, or plainly because I was too lazy to do it. Well, whatever the reason in the past, I hope to get started from now and forwards.
I hope that this journey will not only give me an opportunity to record my learnings and have them for references for me to get back to, but also help you, the readers, in some way. I hope this knowledge base that I have collected with my long experiences working as a software developer, team lead , and technical lead in some way be helpful.